
Decarbonization also known as decarbonization, is the process of reducing and eliminating carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions from various sectors of the economy and human activities. The primary goal of decarbonization is to achieve a low-carbon or carbon-neutral state, where the net emissions of greenhouse gases are balanced by the removal of an equivalent number of emissions from the atmosphere through natural or artificial means.

Key aspects of decarbonization include:

  1. Energy Sector: Decarbonizing the energy sector involves transitioning from fossil fuel-based energy sources (coal, oil, and natural gas) to renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal) and other low-carbon energy technologies. By using clean energy sources, we can significantly reduce CO2 emissions associated with electricity generation.
  2. Transportation: This involves promoting electric vehicles (EVs), improving public transportation systems, and exploring alternative fuels, such as hydrogen or biofuels. By shifting away from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles, we can decrease emissions from the transportation sector.

Others include Industrial Processes, Building and Construction, Agriculture and Land Use, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS and Carbon Removal: In addition to reducing emissions, decarbonization can involve actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere through natural means (e.g., enhancing natural carbon sinks like forests and oceans) or artificial techniques like direct air capture (DAC) and carbon mineralization.

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