Management Team

how can we help you?

For Job Creation, Capacity Building, Livelihood & Entrepreneurship.

After I got sick, The ISD Foundation helped me a whole lot by paying some bills for me. If it hadn’t been for their help, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I definitely appreciate everything they have done for me and am so thankful to everyone involved.

faith Mattew
Manager, PowerPoint Tech.

It’s rough to see your best friend receive 5 days of radiation and 1 day of chemo a week. This has been a fist to a stomach. Nothing tastes good to him but the Boost Up ISD Foundation provided is one of his favorite things to drink. I know you all have really helped him. I am so very thankful.

latunde Abdulkareem
CEO, TroubledWater Media

For Job Creation, Capacity Building, Livelihood & Entrepreneurship